Legacy Plans, Inclusive Playgrounds:
Children with Disability NZ Our mission is to make New Zealand the most disabled child friendly region in the world!
Playground Legacy Plans
What Do You Want To Leave Behind?
Legacy Plans:
We will have a fund set aside for the co purchase of accessible playground equipment. In most cases we will require this to be used as a co funded plan Eg our charity raised $10,000 as part payment of a wheelchair swing for Waipu in Northland. As well as raising the funds we were able to bring firth concrete on board as a sponsor supplying the concrete for the install Whangarei District Council funded the balance, this is an example of a well-balanced co funded purchase. Our Charity Children with Disability New Zealand has an aim of helping where we can to improve the lives of children with disabilities.
In this letter we are asking councils and schools and any organisations that have playgrounds to implement a policy of inclusion for all children and adults. We provide a one stop shop to allow approved playground providers products to be all in one location. This is a resource we would like councils, schools, and others to use. Inclusion and accessibility should be at the core of New Zealand’s national principles shared play is central to learning and development for all children and in many cases disabled adults. Play and friendship help children with disabilities feel included in learning more skills and abilities, including social-emotional, communication and physical skills.
1# Playground Equipment (accessible):
Playing with others can help children with disabilities have fun and feel good about themselves improving self-esteem.
We need to listen to children and young people’s views about how they can be supported through play to be active, healthy, and happy.
We need inclusive and accessible play which supports everyone involved in providing play spaces and environments to ensure they can be enjoyed by all children and families. Accessible and inclusive environments and facilities must be made available to children with disabilities to enable them to enjoy their rights as equal and active participants in play, recreation, and cultural and artistic life.
Our Charity Children with Disability New Zealand wants to see a positive, solution-focused attitude to include disabled children. It is possible to make adaptations to increase accessibility and remove barriers to participation by engaging with and prioritising the needs of disabled children and their families. There is an urgent need to change public attitudes towards disabled people, ableism is deeply ingrained in New Zealand culture.
More welcoming spaces must be created which maximise the range of play opportunities offered by the equipment and the environment. Let’s promote inspiring Inclusive Play Design. View a range of approved accessible play equipment supplier products here: https://www.childrenwithdisability.co.nz/accessible-playground-products/
Ways To Donate
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Legacy Plans & Playgrounds
Consider Leaving A Legacy?
As you age, leaving a legacy may become increasingly important how will you be remembered, would you like to think that after you’re gone, a part of you will remain. Your family and friends will never forget you, but a “legacy” goes beyond memories. Do you want to make a lasting impression that’s more widespread? leaving behind a legacy means you can make sure you’re remembered.
What Is A Legacy?
What does it mean to leave a legacy? Think of the people you’ve heard about but never met. Your great-great-grandparents, for instance, or a famous person who died centuries before you were born. Leaving behind a legacy means making an impact that will last long after you die. It could be financial, with something you create, or through the people, you touch while you’re alive. It’s never too late to start working on building a legacy that will outlive you. We would love your legacy to become a sensory house for the disabled kids a forever house that will outlive many of us. You may want to consider leaving a monetary amount that could be used to provide benefits to many disabled children.